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Frequently Asked Questions
ESAs are state-managed accounts where families receive a portion of public education funds to spend on approved educational expenses.
Vouchers are government-issued certificates that families can use to pay for private school tuition or other educational services.
Tax credits and/or tax deductions are offered in some states for approved educational expenses. Tax credits can be used to reduce your overall taxable income.
Tax credit scholarships are programs where individuals or businesses receive tax credits for donating to scholarship funds that help students attend schools of their choice.
States with school choice funds designate an approved digital wallet or platform that families use to manage their state education funding. The platform typically provides tools to track spending, budget, and make purchases.
Visit your state’s School Choice program website listed above to find out about eligibility requirements and enrollment or application timelines. Individual states have different processes and it is important to find out the deadlines and fund distribution practices.
Each state has different rules regarding rollover of funds. Some allow leftover funds to roll over until graduation or even beyond, while others return leftover funding to the program each year. Be sure to read the rules for your state’s program. In any case, funding awarded to your child may only be used for that child’s educational needs.