Digital wallet platform
What are EMA and MyScholarShop?

Developed by Step Up For Students, a Florida nonprofit that administers school choice scholarship programs, EMA is the platform from which parents can manage their child’s state education funds to track expenses, and budget their funds and MyScholarShop is a marketplace to purchase curriculum with state funds.

Not sure if your state offers an ESA?
WAYS TO BUY with MyScholarShop
Purchase Options
  • Marketplace
    Make purchases of pre-approved curriculum and instructional materials in the MyScholarShop vendor marketplace.
  • Reimbursement
    Make your purchase from a vendor site, submit proof of payment in EMA, and get reimbursed.
For step-by-step instructions, read this article
Make Home Learning More Affordable
Get Guidance From Experts
Get contacted by an expert to get assistance using MyScholarShop with AOP.