Homeschooling Tips Blog

Your Guide to the End of the School Year

  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Your Guide to the End of the School Year

The end of the homeschool year is fast approaching. It’s an exciting time for students as they finish grade-level activities and get ready for summer. For homeschool parents, there are many tasks to complete in preparation for the end of the school year. Taking the time to review current curriculum progress, update homeschool records and documentation, plan for the summer, and celebrate achievements is important. For parents of seniors, preparation for graduation and beyond brings additional tasks. There’s a lot to do and we’re here to help.

Start With Our End-Of-Year-Checklist

The first end-of-year piece of business to complete is checking your child’s progress to be sure they are on track to complete all assigned coursework. Then, you can use this checklist to guide you as you complete the important tasks that will wrap up the school year. Starting with recordkeeping tasks and ending with celebrating accomplishments, this checklist will ensure your year wraps up smoothly and you’ll be ready when the time comes to start the new year.

Download the checklist.

Be sure to review the homeschooling state regulations and reporting for your state. If you need assistance downloading documentation, please reach out to our Educational Support Specialists.

Wrapping Up the Year for Seniors

Parents of seniors have extra end-of-year duties as they prepare their students for graduation and plans for after high school. In addition to wrapping up curriculum and gathering documentation, parents need to prepare for graduation. For Ignite Christian Academy students, you can find diploma and regional graduation ceremonies information here. For Monarch and LIFEPAC students, you can order beautifully designed high school AOP diplomas here. Unlike an Ignite diploma, Monarch and LIFEPAC student diplomas are not recognized as accredited.

For seniors, there is a lot to consider beyond graduation. Read our article, Preparing for Life After High School: A 5-Point Checklist, to find guidance on end-of-year tasks to complete. From completing college applications to exploring career options, the article provides practical advice for preparing your child for life after high school.

Celebrate the Year’s Achievements

The end of the school year is a time of celebration! Your student has worked hard and deserves some recognition. Award your students of any age with certificates of achievement to celebrate a year well-done. AOP offers printable certificates that can be used to recognize all your child’s hard work. Download the End-of-Year Certificate of Achievement to hand out and display. Customize the Certificate of Achievement to recognize areas of strength or improvement to make the end of the school year fun and exciting for your child.

Avoid Summer Learning Loss and Build Excitement for Next Year

An extended break from school can set students back. Engaging in summer learning can help ensure students keep their learning momentum going and are well prepared for the next school year. Read about summer learning options in the article, Keep the Momentum Going with AOP Summer Learning Activities. From Ignite summer camps and summer school to career explorations with Monarch and LIFEPAC curriculum, there are a variety of options available to keep your child actively learning during the summer. See Ignite’s 2024 summer camps and course offerings.

You can also ramp up the homeschool excitement with AOP influencer appearances at 2024 homeschool conventions.

Prepare for the Next School Year

Lastly, get a jump on the next school year with AOP’s 2024 Spring Sale April 16-30! Save 15% on all curriculum, plus free shipping on print curriculum. Join the AOP community to find exclusive discounts and resources to help make the school year even more affordable. Learn more about AOP brands, find your curriculum fit, explore LIFEPAC’s full school year complete sets, and get guidance on funds available through the Education Freedom movement. You can also learn more about Monarch’s online homeschooling experience through overview videos, reviewing support videos, following in platform prompts and Get Started Guide, or by registering for a live info session with customer success experts and other Monarch users.

With all the end-of-year activity, it can be a busy time. Make sure you take the time to reflect on your own efforts and successes. Homeschooling can be a lot of work for parents as well, so celebrate your own successes and take the time to rejuvenate before gearing up for next year’s homeschool adventure. And don’t forget that you’re not alone! Connect with homeschooling parents in your community to find support, ideas, and encouragement.

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