Homeschooling Tips Blog

5 Tips to Shake off the Mid-Year Slump and Start Strong

  • Thursday, March 28, 2024
5 Tips to Shake off the Mid-Year Slump and Start Strong
Both students and teachers can struggle with finding the motivation to keep up with the homeschool routine over time. But with some homeschool education strategies in place, you can conquer the mid-year slump. Start the new semester strong with these practical strategies to reenergize your homeschool routine.


Tip #1 Give your learning space a makeover.

By now, your child’s desk or other homeschool learning space may need some TLC. The mad rush at the end of the first semester and then the busy off-season probably didn’t leave much time for cleaning and organizing. And how does your teacher's workspace look? It could probably use a refresh as well. Beyond the basic cleaning and reorganizing, some fresh, motivation-inspiring decor can also help ramp up the excitement of getting back to the homeschool routine. 

Here are a few tips for a successful makeover:
• Create a space you and your child love. It doesn’t have to look like a classroom!
• Update décor with posters, charts, maps, a bulletin board, etc.
• Restock your child’s learning space with the essentials.
• Restock classroom learning supplies.
• Eliminate any built-up clutter.

Tip#2 Reconsider your daily routine.

The new semester doesn’t have to be “back to the daily grind.” In many ways, routine is enjoyable for both students and teachers, as it increases productivity and reduces stress. A simple routine refresh with a few adjustments can make each day something to look forward to. Remember to consider beyond the school-day routine. Activities like daily devotionals and after-dinner family walks can be wonderful routine additions that provide time for reflection and family bonding.  

Routines will vary from home to home, but here are some tips for establishing an effective routine:
Keep it simple.Keep it simple.

• Routines will vary from home to home, but here are some tips for establishing an effective routine:
• Keep it simple.
• Make it collaborative.
• Include regularly spaced periods of physical activity.
• Include clean-up times.Make it collaborative.
• Include regularly spaced periods of physical activity.
• Include clean-up times.

Tip #3 Plan for some special snacks.

We all need a pick-me-up occasionally and looking forward to a special treat can motivate both learners and teachers. After a period of heavy meals and sugar-filled goodies, most kids—and adults—crave healthy, simple foods and drinks. Plan for some healthy special snacks for the initial days of the new semester, perhaps some old favorites or, if you’re feeling adventurous, try something new!

Here are some healthy snack ideas that include old favorites and new twists:
• celery, cream cheese, and raisins
• celery, cream cheese, and sliced green olives
• vegetables and hummus
• English muffin pizza (sweet or savory)
• wraps (tortilla, flatbread, or other) with sweet or savory fillings
• cottage cheese, berries, and honey
• do-it-yourself trail mix

Tip #4 Line up some field trip fun.

Field trips are a great way to get students excited to learn, and destinations don’t need to be expensive. While some locations may charge a fee for entry, there are also plenty of free options that provide great learning opportunities. Students love field trips, and hands-on learning has the benefit of promoting retention of new concepts. Students remember what they learn, and the direct interaction provides them with ways to engage with ideas in multiple ways. Starting the semester with a field trip builds excitement for the semester, and planning future field trips gives your student something to look forward to.

Here are some field trip ideas:
• animal shelters
• botanic gardens
• food banks
• grocery stores
• libraries
• museums
• national parks
• nature trails
• neighborhood parks
• neighborhood walks
• public buildings (e.g., post office, fire station, hospitals, etc.)
• recycling centers
• zoos

 Tip #5 Find your community.

Looking for more inspiration? Find your community with like-minded home educators through local homeschool groups, which may be clubs, co-operatives, or associations, each with their own unique characteristics. Find a homeschool support group in your area, and then enjoy the community, advice, and ideas of your group. Whether you engage with a large homeschool community or simply find a few other people you connect with, having the support of others working through the same challenges and celebrating the same successes is wonderful.

The new semester is a great opportunity for both you and your child to reflect on what worked well last semester as well as what may need some adjustment for the new semester. Establishing classroom norms that promote a productive, enjoyable learning environment will ensure the second half of the school year will be a success. Most importantly, don’t forget to celebrate achievements, both big and small, and appreciate the natural joy of learning!

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